KRES! more than a name

As a first generation Slovenian, “KRES” has personal significance for me that I value with tremendous gratitude and pride. Not only is KRES the first four letters of my last name but it has relevance in Slovenian language and culture. The Slovenian word “kres” translates to “solstice” in English. Summer and winter solstices mean many things to many people but to local growers and producers like us, it is a time to celebrate God’s grace. For those eager to embrace it, God provides the gift of peak energy from the sun and encourages us to transform this energy into food that nourishes. This is what we do.

In Slovenia, Solstice is celebrated at sunset with bonfires set to honor and support the sun by giving back its energy. An act of reciprocity and an acknowledgement of of our participation in nurturing plants for peak flavor and medicinal potency. As part of our Slovenian culture, we celebrate the power of nature to nourish, heal and protect. In the kitchen, we bottle this energy in our fermented foods; preserving the mystical powers of summer solstice so they can be enjoyed through the darkest days of the year - winter solstice.

The daylight hinges on Kres
— Slovenian Proverb

To be clear, we’re not the only KRES in Cleveland. We proudly share this dignifying name with a very special group called Folklorna skupina Kres; a cultural dance group that has entertained the Slovenian community of greater Cleveland since 1954; and yes, they continue to dance today. Our goal in keeping the “KRES” name is not to eclipse or diminish their local beneficence, but to genuinely contribute to the cultural meaning behind it.

The one thing I cherish most about Slovenia is the country’s long and steady history of cultivating with nature - not against her. Similarly, we link arms with Folklorna skupina Kres… to jointly advance the traditional art and culture of all that is Slovenia.

© 2025 Kres Kitchen LLC. All rights reserved.


Fermented Foods to help you Thrive in 2025